This past summer, a production company working with HGTV filmed Rocky Mountain Tiny Houses building a custom tiny house for some wonderful clients now enjoying their tiny house in Nebraska. I got word today that the pilot show will be airing Monday December 15 8pm CST. While there is definitely an entertainment factor involved, this should be a good honest look at the construction process, as well as builder-client relations. It will also be the first really good shots of the house that I wasn’t able to publish after the house was complete due to our agreement. If you have this channel or can find some place to stream it, please do so. Also, I’d appreciate it if you could help spread the word to all tiny house enthusiasts!
Oh WOW ! Great !!! Congratulations. We will be sure to tune in HGTV.
National television – which broadcast company?
Hey Greg – I caught your show tonight. I’m living in Washington DC in a 1,500 sq ft 3 BR home that costs me blood, sweat and tears to maintain. Dreaming of Tiny House living. You do any tiny homes in the Mid- Atlantic region?
my tiny houses are built to travel anywhere in the US. At the moment, I can only deliver within a 1,000 mile radius from Durango. That puts DC out of range, but there are other options for delivery, or we could meet halfway, etc.
great show i watched it last night, congrats!!!!
We saw the show, it was greatness! Loved what you did, it re-enthused us (is that a word?) to the possibility of such a place becoming our own! The bang for the buck was really fair!
Is this Tiny House Nation, or another show? I’m trying to find it online. Can you share the show name and the episode number?
different network. “Tiny House, Big Living.”
Thank you!
Just finished watching a re-run of the HGTV show that featured your custom house for a couple now in Nebraska! WOW! You do beautiful work!
How much more than the Durango was this home? Trying to get an idea for when I can have my own.
They actually came out to about the same. My house is a little smaller, but is completely off grid.
Thanks for responding. Your mission to make these more affordable, but still high quality is very admirable. The house and interior design elements were first rate, as I said. Not sure my Husky could get used to the lack of space right now, though. He’d be the one who felt cramped. But he does love a good road trip!
Greg, saw the show tonight and the house came out beautifully. Loved the innovative stair case. It was quite creative and fit the bill. You are very talented.
Thank you!
Saw the show last night. Thought provoking. You’ve got a gift with the style and detail. Looked up the Boulder model, and wow, that would be awesome to have parked in a quiet spot outside of Asheville. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Greg:
I too saw the HGTV show and was blown away by the spaces you create – especially the light and airy feeling you manage to infuse into such small homes.
I live in the SF Bay Area (Oakland). Do you ever do any work or trade shows out here? If not, how could I get a sense of what it’s like to be in one of your tiny homes? I have my eye on a small piece of land overlooking a local regional park and am wondering about the possibility of putting one of your tiny houses on such a lot.
Thanks for any suggestions you can provide.
California is the birth place of the modern tiny house movement. There are several other builders and dwellers there. Try this:
I saw the HGTV show also and was blown away by your talent! I’ve been looking for photos online to show my family, who missed the show, but cant seem to locate any. Very frustrating. I especially loved the staircase and curved in countertop. That was you, right?? Where can I find photos of this tiny home?? It was beautiful!!!