Wow, what a winter it has been! While we haven’t had the amount of snow the California Sierras have been posting, it has been a lot, at least for this neck of the woods! That, and the colder-than-normal temps have both played a part in the tardiness of this long overdue update.

It is with great pride and jubilation that I announce the completion of our new facility! As usual, we encountered obstacles that were not anticipated, it took way longer than expected, and we went over budget. However, we persevered and got ‘er done.
To make matters more interesting, our old shop suffered catastrophic damage New Years Eve from heavy snow. We were getting close to moving by this point, but weren’t quite ready. Oh well, sometimes mother nature forces your hand! So, with tons of snow everywhere and more falling weekly, we had to dig out, start relocating stuff from the old shop out one trailer load at a time, and drop it all in the new shop whilst trying to complete said new shop, also breaking down fixtures and structures at the old shop. And did I mention we still had tiny house builds going!? That was a slogfest I hope to never endure again!
Anyhow, most of this mess is behind us now. We still have quite a bit of fine tuning in the new shop in regards to organization and final finish out, but for the time being we are operational. This whole period from mid January to mid March, I did not have a proper office. Just my smart phone and an old laptop. Our office phone number was defunct. SO, if you have been trying to reach us via phone or email the past few months with no success, I sincerely apologize!
As of March 15, the new office is up and running. Our phone line has been reinstated. We have heat! I was able to retrieve some voicemails to about February 20. If you called before that, they are gone forever, I’m sorry. Maybe try again if you still need to chat.
Now that this is covered, let’s get into the biggest question everyone wants an answer to: timeline.
As it stands, 2023 is full. For 2024, we are booked into April. So any time after this is up for grabs! The spring and summer slots will likely fill quickly now that I have re-opened the flood gates. Fall and winter will likely be open for a while. Nothing booked for 2025 yet.
Pricing. After about 6 years of keeping labor rates low, I have finally had to raise them due to inflation. My crew works hard and they all have mouths to feed. When you purchase a custom tiny house from us, you are supporting a fine group of skilled, caring individuals who love what they do day in and day out. Material prices seem to have stabilized finally. Lumber is back to pre-covid rates. I have not raised any of my other fees and remain committed to providing an outstanding value for what you receive. So, total costs will be a little higher from here out, but not outrageously high-hopefully still attainable for most everyone looking for affordable tiny housing.
That about sums up the current state of affairs. We are so excited to be operating out of our new building! A special thanks to everyone who had a hand in it. Way too many people to list here, but you know who you are 🙂 However, I would to thank one person in particular, and that is my lovely wife Stephanie. None of this could have truly happened without your support. Thanks honey bunny!
I would like to book the soonest opening in spring 2024.
I will also try and call. Thank you!
Sharon Tiner
Available inventory?
Built to order only, no inventory
Interested in a Ranch House Style tiny house. Would like to know what the cost would be. Thanks.
shoot us an email.
I’m in the process of selling my normal size house & want to buy a tiny house. I live in Thompsonville  IL (southern IL) is there a possibility for your company to build for me & if so how would that work?  Trying to get all my ducks in a row but the squirrels keep getting in the way….
There is a good possibility we can help. Call or email us!
I live in an area that requires 600 square feet. Is there any way to build a 600 ft tiny house or perhaps a 400 built to accommodate a 200 ft attachable addition?
400 sq ft is the max. Anything over this is considered a modular, cabin, cottage, small house, etc. Modular and/or mobile home will be your most affordable options, then probably a site built house.